Fraternite Notre Dame | Holy Rosary

The Most Holy Rosary

The Rosary is the Credo turned into prayer

Cardinal Newman - 1864
Fraternite Notre Dame & the Holy Rosary

The prayer of the Holy Rosary, or "Psalter of Our Lady" is from popular origin. It is like an echo to the great liturgical prayer of the Church.

The 150 Aves remind the 150 psalms chanted and recited in the Divine Office. The Rosary consists in meditating the "Mysteries" of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, while adjoining to this meditation the recitation of a Pater followed by 10 Ave Maria and a Gloria Patri.

Five decades form a chaplet and the Holy Rosary comprises three chaplets.
Reciting the Rosary is praying to the Mother of God while meditating on the Mysteries of her divine Son. It is praying tothe Most Blessed Virgin Mary to obtain for us the grace contained in these Mysteries.

The Rosary is a way to pray, which leads to a way of life. The Sacrifice of the Mass and Divine Office apart, there is no devotion more recommended by the Church, and therefore by the Holy Spirit, than the Rosary.Saint Pius V in 1568 authorized the prayer of the Rosary and placed the Ave Maria at the beginning of the canonical hours. The last Popes, especially from Leo XIII to John XXIII and from Paul VI to John Paul II, have spoken on the subject in such a way that we can say: "The Rosary is from the Church."

We the Friars and Nuns, Servants of Our Lady, recite the Holy Rosary daily in the Forest of the Apparitions and everywhere in our Priories, during our trips and as soon as our task allows us to do so, our hands be busy or not.

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