Fraternite Notre Dame | Support

Support Fraternite Notre Dame

Support Fraternite Notre Dame

Fraternite Notre Dame is made of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Friars and Nuns who do not perceive any salary.

Their time is entirely dedicated to performing Fraternite Notre Dame's religious and charitable activities.

By helping us, you help to relieve directly both destitution and suffering.

financial aid

Fraternite Notre Dame lives on the donations it receives from other organizations, foundations and private individuals, made to pursue the work started. Such donations are used to pay for the erection or refection of a building, cover various utilities costs, such as water, electricity, heating…

make us known

To you, the reader of these few lines: if you are unable to help us financially, in kind or as a volunteer, at least, make us known to those around you and take upon yourself to give to others the opportunity to support a Work consecrated to God for the alleviation of the destitute.

becomimg a volunteer

Volunteerism is very important in the bosom of Fraternite Notre Dame, because it allows any person to better understand the extreme poverty and suffering of the poorest of the poor, and gives him/her an opportunity to help a greater number of poor people.

becomimg a member of fraternite notre dame

To help Fraternite Notre Dame, if you feel attracted by the religious or sacerdotal vocation, so to give yourself entirely to Christ and Mary Immaculate for the benefit of Holy Church, the vocation of praising God and serving the poor by practicing the Holy Gospel, please join us.